

What is Pivoting?

Pivoting in product and service design post-launch refers to the process of making significant changes to a product or service after it has been released to the market. This may involve changing the product or service features, target market, pricing, distribution channels, or other key aspects of the business model.

Post-launch pivoting is often driven by feedback from customers, market research, or changes in the competitive landscape. For example, a business may discover that its product is not resonating with its target market and may need to pivot to a new target audience. Alternatively, a company may find that its pricing is too high or too low and may need to adjust its pricing strategy to better align with customer expectations.

Pivoting post-launch can be a challenging process, as it may involve significant changes to the product or service offering, as well as adjustments to the overall business strategy. However, pivoting can also be a valuable opportunity to improve the product or service and better meet customer needs, as well as to drive long-term success and growth for the business.

To successfully pivot post-launch, product and service designers must gather and analyse customer feedback and market data, identify areas for improvement and develop a clear plan for making the necessary changes. This may involve conducting user testing, customer surveys, or other feedback mechanisms to gather data on how the product or service is performing in the market. By using this data to inform their decisions, product and service designers can make informed pivots that drive success and growth for the business.