Micro & Macro Interactions


What are Micro and macro interactions?

Micro and macro interactions are terms used in design to describe two different levels of user interaction with a product or service.

Micro-interactions are the small, single-purpose interactions that occur within a product or service, often related to a specific user task or goal. Examples of micro-interactions include clicking a button, filling out a form, or scrolling through a feed. These interactions are often quick and require minimal user effort, but they can greatly impact the overall user experience.

Macro interactions, on the other hand, are larger, more complex interactions that occur over a longer period of time and involve multiple micro-interactions. Examples of macro interactions include signing up for a service, completing a purchase, or navigating through a complex website. These interactions can involve multiple user goals and require more user effort, but they can also provide a more engaging and personalised user experience.

Both micro and macro interactions are important to consider in the design, as they can greatly impact user engagement, satisfaction, and overall experience. By designing interactions that are intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable at both the micro and macro levels, designers can create products and services that are both useful and engaging for their users.