Architecture & Security

Technology & Compliance

What is Architecture & Security?

In the context of Experience Design, Business Requirements, Technology, and Compliance, "Architecture & Security" refers to the design and implementation of a system's technical infrastructure and security measures.

The architecture includes the selection of appropriate hardware and software components, the design of the system's structure and communication protocols, and the establishment of data management and storage strategies.

Security involves the protection of the system from unauthorised access, data breaches, and other threats. This includes the implementation of security protocols such as encryption, access controls, and firewalls, as well as the establishment of processes and procedures for identifying and responding to security incidents.

Architecture and security are important considerations in experience design because they can impact the functionality, performance, and user experience of digital products and services. A well-designed architecture can ensure that a system can scale, perform efficiently, and meet business requirements, while a robust security strategy can protect against data breaches, hacking, and other security risks.