

What is Iteration?

Iteration is a design methodology that involves repeating the design process multiple times, with the aim of refining and improving a product, service, or experience. In an iterative design process, designers create a prototype or initial version of the design, test it, analyse the results, and use feedback to make adjustments and improvements. This process is then repeated multiple times, with each iteration building upon the previous one.

The benefits of iteration in design include:

  1. Improved user experience: By testing and refining a design through multiple iterations, designers can create a product or service that better meets the needs and preferences of users.
  2. More efficient use of resources: By catching potential issues early in the design process, designers can avoid costly mistakes and ensure that resources are used more effectively.
  3. Increased innovation: Iteration allows designers to experiment with new ideas and approaches, and to test them quickly and efficiently.
  4. Enhanced collaboration: Iteration encourages collaboration and communication among team members, as they work together to refine and improve the design.

Overall, iteration is an essential aspect of the design process, as it allows designers to create more effective and innovative products, services, and experiences.